Mobile Wraps

Mobile wraps are basically moveable billboards, that are always in the right place at the right time, which generate awareness for your company 24/7 and constantly reach new and potential customers.

Many companies and organizations are finding out that vehicle wraps and full color fleet and car graphics are a great way to reach new and existing customers.  Compared to other forms of media, wraps are extremely cost effective and generate millions of impressions each year.

95% of Americans travel by car each week, creating a mass audience for your advertising billboard. Vehicle wraps in effect transform your business vehicle or fleet into low cost mobile billboards that continuously promote your business. By wrapping a vehicle you are exposing your product or service to thousands of potential customers on a daily basis. One vehicle wrap can generate 30,000 – 70,000 impressions each day!  Convert your company vehicle into an eye-catching advertising machine today!



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What is a mobile wrap?

A mobile wrap is a custom designed mobile billboard created by our professional artists, printed on premium vinyl, then applied directly to the vehicle.